You are welcome, friends.  On this website of our friends, let me tell you that on this website I am going to tell you what is going to happen and what is going on inside the Balveer Returns episode.  If you want to know, then you must read this post so that I can tell you everything first

Friends you must have seen inside the episode.  Very amazing text is going on.  You must have seen inside the episode which is not full.  That day is back to NASA.  In our episode, he is going to be confronted by end friends Balveer.  But within the episode of Friends Balveer, some scenes have been shown in which you are very difficult to understand.  हो जायेगा 

Episode देखने के लिए इस लिंक पर click करे 

     Full Episode Link

 But friend, let me tell you that some love episodes have been told and shown inside Balveer, then let me tell you that if you want to watch the episode too, you can also watch the episode from our side this time.

The enemy factory is our day of emancipation.  She is back and the pack of 200 is so amazing that she has a superpower.  If the great power has arrived, it is very amazing that Mistry and Flat is going to come in front of you, then you must explain and read about the episode.

Thank You...