What Is SEO And How It Is Done & Type Of SEO Full Guide


Hello friends all of you are welcome once again on your own website, today I am going to tell you all about what SEO is and how it is done, how many types of things happen. I am going to tell, so if you all want to know and want to learn what SEO is and how it is, then today all of you keep reading this post from the beginning to the last so that you all Whatever it is, do it without it and you all understand it very well, then let us know what SEO is and how it is done and how many types of things I will tell you all in this post.

Usually friends with many new bloggers face this problem, what is SEO how is it done, how many types are there, then they face a lot of problems and problems, in such a situation, all of you friends I am going to tell you the complete information, what it is, how it is done, all of you will get the information in this post, apart from this, if you do not understand all of them then below In the comment, all of you can tell your questions, I will give an answer to all of you.

SEO as you all will know that it is very important for a new block or usually if you all want to connect with a lot of people at once, then the first option comes for this and on the internet If all of you want to connect with a lot of people, then all of you have search engines that are on the Internet, you have to run them in Tonk.

When you paint in Tonk, then whatever visitors come from it. If they will continue to join you, then it is very important for you to do SEO for all of them till you all do it, then your website will not rank and visitors will not come to your website to sing well, then you do not know what happens. And how is it done?

What Is Seo

Let me now friends, let me tell you what is SEO how it is done and how many types it is, I tell you everything, okay, first of all, know what its full form is.

SEO is full form search engine optimization, as you all must have read, so now let me tell you what it is, how it is done and how many types are there, first of all know that SEO What happens

What is seo
What is seo

SEO is a technique by which we all bring our page to the top of the search engine. It is very important that if you all want to bring a page of your website to the top of the search engine, then for all of you SEO is very What is more important is the search engine, we all know that Google is the largest search engine in the world, apart from this, Yahoo and Bing are two more search engines, so the largest search engine is Google common.

Generally, any person has any question, they go to Google and search in such a way, the results that come up on searching, the website which is in those results is ranking on the break if all of you are also a party. If you want to rank your website on the first page of Google on cooler keywords, then for this you all have to do SEO.

So I am guessing that till now all of you must have come to know what SEO is, so now let us know how it is done and how many types of everything is going to reach you. I am going to read this post with all the information from the beginning to the last.In the earlier post, I told you all about what backlinks are and how they are made and how many types are there. I told you all in the previous post that if you want to read that post then you can read it. Ho link will be found below all of you.

Type Of SEO

Friends, I tell myself all about the type of SEO it is, you all want to know, so keep reading below and don’t do it anywhere, if you all stop reading anywhere, then it will hurt you all. Keep reading all the way, so let’s know how many types there are.

On Page SEO

Off Page SEO

There are two types of search engine optimization on-page and off-page, so if you all want to know what happens in both of them, then all of you guys will tell me in the comment below, I am also good for all of you If I prepare an article, then there are two types of search engine optimization so that if you do it well, then you can get ranked in the top page in any search engine everywhere. Would you want to learn want to know all the people.

About The Post

Friends, today I told you what is the type of SEO, how is it all, if you all like this post, then share it with your friends, in addition, if all of you still have any confusion, you have a doubt. I will tell you all in the comments below, I will surely answer each of the comments and if you all want to know what is on page and off page SEO, then in the comment below, I will tell you You will create a post for all.

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